Heart Scan Calcium Scoring Request
Are you concerned about your heart health?
Heart Scan Calcium Scoring is a simple, noninvasive procedure that uses advanced, high-speed X-ray technology to create a picture of your heart's arteries. It measures the calcium deposits that are part of artherosclerotic plaque within your arteries. Doctors use this to calculate your calcium score.
Those with the following risk factors should consider a Heart Scan Calcium Scoring:
- Family history of heart disease
- Past or present smoker
- History of high cholesterol, diabetes or high blood pressure
- Overweight
- Inactive lifestyle
It is not recommended for men younger than age 40 or women younger than age 50.
Risks: Low radiation exposure. No contrast dye is used.
Complete the form to request a Heart Scan Screening appointment at Ridgeview to measure your calcium score today.